Submit your artwork for print

In order for you artwork to be produced with the best finish quality, there are some things we would like to explain.

In order to print a file that looks like 👆 this, we need a couple things.

Notice the orange box goes to the edge of the printed piece.

To produce this properly we need:
• PDF File

Your artwork is produced best when it is saved as a PDF.

PDF files "package" your fonts and artwork to ensure nothing gets changed when sending us your file. Word documents are unacceptable because fonts you use may not transfer to us. This can cause bad things to happen! 😫

Use high resolution images so that your artwork is not pixelated.

300 PPI (pixels per inch) are recommended

TRIM refers to the marks outside the finished area that show us where to trim the finished piece.

You might have to google how to add bleed and trim in your specific design application. If your using Adobe products we can walk you through the process over the phone.

BLEED extends past the trim area.
Your print file should look something like this.

We will use this file to print. After printing we will trim on the color to ensure we don't end up with white on the edge of the print

Send us your files! 📬

Fill out the form to start your project now!

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Design is what we do.
If you need help, let us know.